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The Aya Prover

Aya is a programming language and an interactive proof assistant designed for type-directed programming and formalizing math.

The type system of Aya has the following highlights:

  • Set-level cubical features so funExt and quotients are available without axioms (like Agda, redtt, and Arend but not higher-dimensional),
  • Overlapping and order-independent pattern matching makes simple functions compute better,
  • Practical functional programming features similar to Haskell and Idris: dependent pattern matching, typed holes, enchanted synthesis of implicit arguments.

The implementation of the Aya compiler has the following highlights:

  • Efficient type checking by JIT-compiling well-typed definitions to JVM higher-order abstract syntax, so substitution does not traverse terms,
  • Convenient interactive tools such as a language server for VSCode, a REPL, and hyperlinked document generation (demo),
  • Pre-compiled binary release.