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Class extension with definitional projection

We want a class system with the following basic capabilities:

  • Classes can be extended with new fields (similar to extends in Java).
  • Multiple inheritance is possible, because we can detect conflicts, and in case that really happens, we reject it.
  • Subtyping is available and uses coercion. This will be discussed in another post.

To add more flexibility to it, we want the following feature.

Anonymous extensions

Suppose we have a class Precat for precategories (written in pseudocode):

class Precat
| Ob : Type
| Hom : Ob -> Ob -> Type
| Hom-set (A B : Ob) : isSet (Hom A B)
| id (A : Ob) : Hom A A
| ....

Suppose the syntax for creating an instance of a class is new Precat { Ob := .., Hom := .., ... }. I want the following:

  • Precat is the type for all instances of the class Precat.
  • Precat { Ob := Group } is the type for all instances of the class Precat whose Ob field is (definitionally) Group.
  • Precat { Ob := Group, Hom := GroupHom } is the type for all instances of the class Precat whose Ob field is Group and Hom field is GroupHom.
  • etc.

This is called anonymous class extension, already implemented in the Arend language. As a syntactic sugar, we may write Precat { Ob := Group } as Precat Group, where the application is ordered the same as the fields in the class definition.

Definitional projection

We further want definitional projection:

  • Suppose A : Precat Group, then A.Ob is definitionally equal to Group.
  • Suppose A : Precat Group GroupHom, then A.Hom is definitionally equal to GroupHom.

This concludes the basic features of the class system. To implement this, it may seem that we need to have access to types in the normalizer, which makes it very heavy (in contrast to the lightweight normalizer you can have for plain MLTT).


A uniform implementation of this definitional projection requires the definitional equality to commute with substitution, say, we may have

A:PrecatA.Ob:U{A : \text{Precat} ⊢ A.\text{Ob} : \mathcal U}

This is a normal form. Then, we have Grp : Precat Group (so Grp.Ob is definitionally equal to Group), and we may perform the substitution [Grp/A][\text{Grp} / \text{A}] on the above normal form:

Grp:Precat GroupGrp.Ob:U\text{Grp} : \text{Precat}~\text{Group} ⊢ \text{Grp}.\text{Ob} : \mathcal U

We want the above to be equal to Group as well. Without access to contexts, it seems really hard!

Here's a trick: whenever we see A : Precat Group, we elaborate it into (the idea is similar to an η-expansion):

A ==> new Precat
  { Ob := Group
  , Hom := A.Hom
  , Hom-set := A.Hom-set
  , id :=
  , ...

By that, we will never have A.Ob in the source language, because it always gets elaborated into Group directly. In case we partially know about A from the type, we really elaborate the type information right into the core term. So, we don't even have a chance to touch the bare A (not being projected) in the core language, and anything of a class type is always in an introduction form.

This should implement the definitional projection feature without even modifying the MLTT normalizer.

The idea of this feature comes from the treatment of extension types inspired from cooltt, see relevant post.